And that’s a wrap for my first Inktober! It was a lot of fun, and I definitely learned a ton that I’ll be incorporating in my future work. Here’s the process video for the Professor Panda, enjoy!
Inktober: Week 5
Albus Dumbledore Argus Filch Bellatrix Lestrange Cho Chang Dobby Dolores Umbridge Draco Malfoy Fred Weasley George Weasley Ginny Weasley Gregory Goyle Harry Potter Hedwig Hermione Granger Hogwarts Inktober Inktober 2014 Kingsley Shacklebolt Lucius Malfoy Luna Lovegood Mad-Eye Moody Minerva McGonagall mudbloods Nagini Neville Longbottom Nymphadora Tonks pandas Peter Pan pile o’ panda professor Remus Lupin Rom Weasley Rubeus Hagrid Severus Snape Sirius Black Sybill Trelawney Vincent Crabbe Voldemort Weasleys wizards
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