Star Wars Pandas


In anticipation for the release of “The Force Awakens”, I made a series of Star Wars-themed pandas. I decided to post them all together instead of individual posts since it would be easier to browse through them. Behold, the Star Wars Pandas!

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One response to “Star Wars Pandas”

  1. Vincent TOUCHE Avatar
    Vincent TOUCHE

    Hi there,

    I discovered your website earlier today and I am a huge fan ! First, I love the theme – pandas how cool :D Second, the personification in superheroes or famous characters is simply awesome !

    As such, I am super enthusiast and excited… and I have a couple of questions:
    – do you ship internationally? I live in Paris (France)
    – are you planning to make a all-in-one Star Wars poster? Need to have all of them
    – what would be the size of both all-in-one Star Wars and Marvel Superheroes posters?

    Many thanks,

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