Tag: gestures

  • Book-It Theater: Truth Like the Sun

    Book-It Theater: Truth Like the Sun

    Went to sketch another of Book-It’s wonderful shows, this time showcasing Seattle’s history in the adaption of Jim Lynch’s Truth Like the Sun. Adapted by Kevin McKeon and directed by Jane Jones.



  • Figure Drawings

    Figure Drawings

    1 minute and 3 minute gestures…

    5-minute story gestures.

  • Weekend in San Francisco

    Big blog post today. I recently came back from a wedding for my cousin in Napa. Here are a few sketches to share, for better or worse. Congrats to the newlyweds, Matt and Angelica!

  • Weekend Sketching

    Weekend Sketching

    A big congrats to Jonathan and Jaycee who got engaged at Gas Works Park this last Saturday!

  • Figure Drawing (2.2.2013)

    Time for some good ol’ gesture drawings.  Drawings are after the jump.


  • Figure Drawings (07/07/2012)

    A series of 1, 2, and 5 min gestures.  Sorry for the photocopier look with the recent drawings, I’ll pick up something darker on the next session.  Drawings after the jump.


  • Figure Drawings (06/09/2012)

    A series of 1, 2, and 5 min gestures. Drawings after the jump.
