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Inktober, Day 20

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Don’t look now! It’s Pie Pandas comin’ at ya!

Original is also posted on my shop. Cheers!

Inktober, Day 19

A meal tastes better when it’s shared. Potluck Pandas for Day 19.

I’ve also been posting the originals on my store, here’s the link for this piece.

Inktober, Day 12

Oh give me a home, where the fat pandas roam… Prairie Pandas for Day 12 of Inktober!

Inktober, Day 11

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We’ve got a super popular topic for today: Paparazzi Pandas for Day 11!

Inktober, Day 10

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It’s election season, and the debates have never been more heated! Politician Pandas for Day 10 of Inktober!

Things have been a bit busy, so I’m playing a little catch-up with my Inktobers. Hopefully I can make up some time in the next few days.

Inktober, Day 9

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This hardworking panda is taking a well-deserved break. Plutonium Panda for Day 9 of Inktober!