I’m a northwest native having grown up in Portland, Oregon where the rainy weather and lack of sunshine led me to stay indoors and draw all day. I never considered art as a career and took a shot at engineering and earning a Master’s in civil engineering. When I realized it wasn’t for me, I decided to make the long journey back to art. I work from my home studio in the Seattle area.
- Feature on Northwest Asian Weekly
- King5 Evening TV spot
- Featured Artist for Kin On
- Guest blog for Animation Mentor
- ‘Nolen Lee at Kinokuniya’ on Northwest Asian Weekly
- Interview on ‘Art and Monsters Vlog’ by Justin Hilgrove
- Featured ‘Artist in Residence’ for Emerald City Comicon
- Featured artist for Smartsheet’s Photon release
- Guest blog on Handmade Showroom
- Interview on ‘Dreamlander’
- Interview in the LA Times
- Interview in the Daily Breeze
- Guest appearance on Sandy Allnock’s vlog
- Gusto
- US Bank
- Disney
- Vetsource