Let the records show that I did press the “Publish” button right before the clock turned 12:00 AM. For some reason, WordPress didn’t publish the picture, but published the post. So the bet is still on!
Alright, nothing in the rules didn’t state that I have to have the explanation posted before midnight, just the picture. So if you’re wondering what it is, I got this idea from one of Jenny’s comments:
“Or, perhaps you could draw a sketch of a bubble girl, sadly needing to shield herself from the urban pollution she lives in. =\”
Thanks for the idea, Jenny!
I started this piece after getting home from church and basketball sometime around 5:00 Finding the idea and sketching the rough layouts took an hour and a half, nap took 15 minutes, linework took another two hours, ESPN and Youtube took almost an hour, and the coloring was a mad dash to the end (rough estimates, I’m not in mood for math). I can’t say I’m entirely happy with it as I wanted to get in a few more colors and details. I would’ve spent a little more time on the background to make it seem more like a sunrise if I wasn’t such a slacker. I have a better idea now on how to get these done quicker and better the next time around.
Anyways, I’m hungry, achy, and getting a sore throat. Time for bed…
UPDATE: Arggh… I can’t let this sky thing go.¬† I just tweaked the sky gradient a little bit to get the atmosphere I wanted. Alright, that’s it.
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