Book-It Theater: Frankenstein

Took the sketchbook to watch Book-It Theater’s rendition of “Frankenstein; Or, The Modern Prometheus”.  The play was directed by David Quicksall.  The theater was pretty dark, and at times it was like sketching with my eyes closed.  Great show and great job by the cast and director!

Victor Frankenstein begins to tell his tale of woe to the ship captain.
Victor Frankenstein begins to tell his tale of woe to the ship captain.
The early days were happy.
The early days were happy.
Dr. Frankenstein is troubled by his creation.
Dr. Frankenstein is troubled by his creation.
The monster observers family life.
The monster observers family life.
The monster approaches the father of the household.
The monster approaches the father of the household.
Victor reunites with his family.
Victor reunites with his family.
Tragedy strikes in the bridal chamber.
Tragedy strikes in the bridal chamber.
Our tale ends with the demise of Dr. Frankenstein and his creation.
Our tale ends with the demise of Dr. Frankenstein and his creation.


One response to “Book-It Theater: Frankenstein”

  1. […] Remember those beautiful gesture drawings an audience member did for The Financial Lives of the Poets? Well, he came back to see Frankenstein and once again brought his sketchbook. Enjoy these impressions he did of the show! […]

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