Tag: caroling

  • Illo Advent 2014

    Illo Advent 2014

    Hey everyone, I’m catching up with my posts since a lot has happened over the holidays.  Sometime in November, I caught wind of an art thread on Twitter called #illo_advent where artists can create a drawing for each day leading up to Advent.  At first, I wasn’t sure if I would be able to commit enough time to finishing 25 drawings, but two weeks later, I decided to give it a go.

    Of course, being two weeks behind schedule was quite a challenge.  But after forgoing some sleep and downing a lot of holiday cheer, I managed to finish the series in time to open presents on Christmas morning. I had a lot of fun, and at the end of the series, I had plenty of art to give away as Christmas gifts.  There was even an artist who made an ornament out of one of my drawings which I’ll show below.

    So without further ado, I present to you the 25 drawings of #illo_advent.  I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed creating them.  Cheers!

    Artist, Ms. Taffy, or Molly Marmalade, decided to make an actual wool ornament based on the ornament pandas sketch.  I say she did a smashing job, wouldn’t you say?  I mean, LOOK at it!!! Go check out her other stuff, or follow her on Twitter.