2007 Music



Earlier this year, I felt a little guilty about the mp3s I downloaded when I was in school. This summer, I deleted all of them, which is the majority of my music collection, and I was left with a much shortened playlist. No problem, I thought, I’ll just buy back the ones that I used to listen to all the time. But then I realized that if I wanted to be legit, I need money. While I miss the days of downloading songs by the gigload, this does force me to consider which music is worth my money.In 2007, I’ve purchased the following CDs:

Augustana – All The Stars And Boulevards

Eric Clapton – Clapton Chronicles

Franz Ferdinand – You Have It So Much Better

Jimi Hendrix – Experience Hendrix

Jars of Clay – Good Monsters

John Mayer – Continuum

Pink Floyd – Dark Side of the Moon

Queen – Greatest Hits

Radiohead – In Rainbows

Joe Satriani – Surfing With The Alien

The Shins – Wincing the Night Away

Spoon – Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga

St. Vincent – Marry Me

Switchfoot – Oh! Gravity.

Derek Webb – The Ringing Bell

I have to say that Radiohead and Spoon are getting the most plays. I warmed up to St. Vincent after a few listens and Derek Webb’s lyrics in The Ringing Bell are awesome. So if anyone has any other suggestions for music, I’d like to hear them… so I can go and hear the music too… yeah…


3 responses to “2007 Music”

  1. Barry Avatar

    That list is fail because there’s no Led Zep or Arcade Fire.

    And was it hard to deciding between Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga and Gimme Fiction?

    I fought my sense of guilt by going to concerts, buying bands’ t-shirts, and had a one year subscription to Emusic.


  2. g Avatar

    whatchu talkin’ bout, willis?

    CDs = tunes when your hard drive bite the bullet.

    no school like the old school.


  3. eric Avatar

    haha, I started buying music this year also. I would still download some that I can’t find the “preview” for, and only buy it if I liked it. Otherwise, delete.

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