“Chariot Fighter!”

Yesterday, I received this email from Emily:

“Because I’m bored at work and making nametag s for coworkers based on what their name means :) Your name also means “champion”, but I thought it’d be more fun to draw a chariot :)”

I like the drawing, but since my name means “champion,” shouldn’t I have a picture of myself with my flexed biceps popping out of my armor (this is accurate!) while holding a humungo trophy standing atop the heads of my enemies? (Sounds like another idea!) Anyways, I think the chariot’s cute, but it should read “fighter in a chariot.”

“Chariot – fighter” seems more like…

By the way, I have one more day to work on the weekly assignment with Kris.¬† I tried to pitch some of the week’s earlier drawings, but she wasn’t biting.¬† The drawing should be up by midnight tomorrow.


One response to ““Chariot Fighter!””

  1. yk Avatar

    do you know what you need? a picture with punching pandas. =)

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