Tag: Cornerstone Christian Fellowship

  • JEMS Spring Concert

    JEMS Spring Concert

    I had the pleasure of making some pieces for the JEMS Spring Concert last month. The pieces were to be used as slides to introduce each of the performers. Each slide was inspired by the performers themselves. It was a challenge to do each of these pieces, but I’m pleased with how they turned out. Looking forward to next year!

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  • Cornerstone Men’s Retreat

    Cornerstone Men’s Retreat

  • Good Friday paintings

    These were done during both of tonight’s Good Friday services held at Lake Hills Elementary.  Tonight’s services were joint-held by Cornerstone Christian Fellowship, Lighthouse Christian Church, and New Freedom Christian Community.  The paintings were done on a Cintiq tablet hooked up to a projector during the worship sets and communion.  This was my first time ever doing this, and while it was a daunting to have everybody look at your painting as it’s being made, I really had a great time.  Abstract art hasn’t really been my thing, but now that I’ve taken a crack at it, I kind of want to try again. I feel blessed to be able to have an opportunity like this and I feel more humbled to participate in commemorating the death and sacrifice of Jesus Christ using the gifts He gave to me.  Enjoy these paintings and have a blessed Easter.

  • Cambodia Sketches

    Cambodia Sketches

    Back in October, Olwen and I went on a two-week medical mission trip to Cambodia.  We held a half-dozen clinics in the towns of Barai and Battambang providing medical, dental, and optometry care with each clinic seeing around 200-300 patients a day.  Obviously I don’t have a medical background, but I worked in intake preparing the patients for their appointments and taking their blood pressure.  Olwen worked in the Children’s Ministry where they taught the local children various songs, crafts, hula dance, and a skit of Daniel in the lions den.  During the course of the trip, I brought a blank moleskine with me and documented some of what I saw while I was over there.  This was my first ever mission trip and my first time traveling to Southeast Asia. Here are a couple highlights from my sketchbook with more drawings after the jump.

    Thursday (10/18): View from behind the Solar Cafe during lunch.
    Thursday (10/18): View from behind the Solar Cafe during lunch.
