Tag: Inktober

  • Inktober 2018

    Every year, panda do Inktober, but each year, panda get busier and busier. This year, panda do only 5-minute Inktobers with panda drinking hooman coffee drinks. Coffee drinks are delicious, but panda can’t seem to sleep. Panda will post the rest of Inktobers after panda finishes nap, but the problem is, panda can’t start nap.

    Also, pet hooman, Nolen is also doing Inktober on his Instagram. Sometime drawings look weird, but whatever floats hooman boat, I guess.

  • Inktober 2017: Red and Black

    Inktober 2017: Red and Black

    [vc_row row_type=”row” use_row_as_full_screen_section=”no” type=”full_width” angled_section=”no” text_align=”left” background_image_as_pattern=”without_pattern” css_animation=””][vc_column][vc_column_text]It’s that time of year again! Time to pop bust out the ink and brushes for Inktober. Last year’s drawings took me a long time to finish, I ended up finishing sometime in mid November. This year, I went with smaller sketches so that I could finish them in time especially given how busy life has been lately.

    I also wanted to try out a bottle of red sumi ink that I’ve had for a while. It says “red sumi” on the label, but it’s more of a reddish orange. I made the drawings as little vignettes of the Panda Pals, and looking for any potential stories I can tell with them.

    I’ve also added all of the originals on my store. Enjoy![/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][vc_gallery type=”image_grid” images=”18796,18756,18757,18758,18759,18760,18761,18762,18763,18764,18765,18766,18767,18768,18769,18770,18771,18772,18773,18774,18775,18776,18777,18778,18779,18780,18781,18782,18783,18784,18785″ img_size=”large” column_number=”3″ grayscale=”no” images_space=”gallery_without_space”][/vc_column][/vc_row]

  • FINALLY FINISHED! Inktober, Day 31

    FINALLY FINISHED! Inktober, Day 31

    WHEW! Inktober 2016 is in the books. Time to celebrate with the Party Pandas! The original is available on my shop.

    I definitely stretched myself thin this year, but I’m glad I was able to finish. I definitely went a bit too detailed and stylized to keep up with the drawing-a-day. I’m going to reconsider doing Inktober for next year, if I do I’ll probably have to go with much simpler drawings and probably not doing the “P” theme again for the sake of time. As much fun as it was to work on, there are other projects I want to pursue that will require more of my time. I’m not ready to talk about them yet but I’ll announce it on this website first when the time is right.

    Thanks again for following along with Inktober this year. Please be sure to sign up for my newsletter on the front page, and to follow me on the different social media platforms to receive the latest news and updates. Cheers!

  • Inktober, Day 30

    Inktober, Day 30

    Pregnant Panda for Day 30. One more to go!

    The original is available on my shop here.

  • Inktober, Day 29

    Inktober, Day 29

    Jump to it! Just two more Inktober drawings left, so close! Platformer Panda for Day 29!

    The original is available on my shop here.

  • Inktober, Day 28

    Inktober, Day 28

    This Inktober has been insane. I’m already a week overdue, but let’s finish this right! Piledriver Panda for Day 28!

    The original is available on my shop here.

  • Inktober, Day 27

    Inktober, Day 27

    Look before you leap! Piranha Panda for Day 27.

    The original is posted on my shop here.

  • Inktober, Day 26

    Inktober, Day 26

    Maybe I’ll make this into a wallpaper of some sort. Pattern Pandas for Day 26!


    The original is available on my shop here.

  • Inktober, Day 25

    Inktober, Day 25

    There’s no mercy rule in this match. Paintball Pandas for Day 25.

    The original Inktober is available on my shop.

  • Inktober, Day 24

    Inktober, Day 24

    You could say I’ve been feeling a bit… squeezed for time these days. Things have been busy these past couple of weeks, and I’ve been playing catchup this whole month with these Inktober’s. In the meantime, enjoy this Python Panda for “Day 24.”

    The original is available on my shop.

  • Inktober, Day 22

    Inktober, Day 22

    I’m slowly catching up with these. Pyramid Pandas for Day 22!

    The original is available on my shop here.

  • Inktober, Day 21

    Inktober, Day 21

    Life’s always full of changes for Puberty Panda.

    The original is posted to my shop!