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Visited Mount Vernon for the tulips festival held this month. Even though there weren’t that many colors, it was still worth the hour drive… courtesy of Waiki.



And something to relate to yesterday’s post…


(Early) Saturday morning sketches

Lately, I’ve been running into the inevitable creative rut that plagues every artist regardless of discipline. I’ve been trying to fight through it with frustrating results. Maybe it’s time for something a little different. Maybe go someplace that I don’t usually hang out.

For some reason, I’ve been feeling a little worn down. Not entirely exhausted, but a little tired and lazy. Part of me thinks it’s just general angst about my whole financial situation. The housing situation hasn’t been going well as of late. I can’t match my competitors in my area in order to get my place sold, and each bill that comes in reminds me that I don’t have a whole lot of time left.

Aside from the condo, I’ve also had to reevaluate how serious I am about this career switch. I’ve been doing work at the studio, sure. But am I making a big enough sacrifice each week to attain my goal? I like to think that actions speak louder than words, and that mine reflect that intention. At the same time, I realize that I’ve been extremely blessed to be in this situation. Not everyone has the opportunity to pursue one’s dream job, and for that I need to be… no… should be thankful.

This is an exciting season of my life to be in. I know I should be enjoying all of this while I can even while the future is uncertain. I remember a couple weekends ago, I went snowboarding over at Stevens Pass for the second time of my life. I went through the baby courses a couple time before my friends threw me up on the blue (intermediate) hill. I admit I was a little apprehensive on the ski lift since I was still pretty green at this snowboarding thing. Looking down from the top didn’t help much either. But in order for me to get down, I had to just do it. So I took it down, slow, but I did it. After I got one run down, I went back again and again. Despite all the falls and tumbles, I had a lot of fun. If it wasn’t the last weekend of the season (plus, if I had some more disposable income), I’d go again.

In other words, stop staring down the hill like a chicken and just have fun.

By the way, if you guys would like to help me break out of this slump, feel free to send your suggestions and I’ll try to sketch something up. Thanks in advance!





Sketch of the day

I’m trying to get better at posting.¬† Also, I am a Blazers fan.


Sketch of the day

One of my friends asked me for a polar bear or a turtle.¬† I couldn’t make up my mind.


New art

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Hey everyone! Sorry it took this long to get some new stuff out, but things have been going pretty good at the studio. One of the critiques that I’ve received on my work has been my “camera,” or how I’m positioning my shots. So from here on out, you might see some photography here and there as part of my exercise. Anyways, here’s my latest work. I started a couple weeks ago doing the line work and it took me a while to figure out how to paint it since I never did a night shot before. They’ll be more coming, so stay tuned…


UPDATE: I realized I had a couple noticeable errors, so I decided to update the drawing. Also, this drawing is rededicated to the memory of Nani.  Thanks for your input guys!

For those of you who don’t know Nani, she was the pet rabbit of a friend.¬† A moment of silence…


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This is for Elton, Conner, Catherine, and Bryn, we’re praying for you…


Delayed sketches

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Sorry for the lack of sketches.I went to the studio today and found out the basement got flooded, so they had to cut power and shut down the servers. But at least I got a chance to talk to one of the animators and learned a little a bit about his background. Sometimes I can get a little too focused on my work without taking time to getting to know people on a personal level. I tend to think in the back of my mind that I won’t be in my current situation for very long and as a result, I sometimes don’t see the point in developing friendships and improving the relationships around me. I know I shouldn’t be thinking like this, and today is one of those days that reminded me about how I take some relationships for granted.

Whenever I hear someone’s testimony about how great an experience was at a school, city, vacation spot, etc. I always hear that it’s usually more enjoyable because of the people, and I think that has a lot of truth to that.Yet I still overlook those around me; whether it be forgetting someone’s birthday, not writing a thank-you note for a gift, or give an encouraging word when someone needs it. People have been put in my life for a reason, and it’s on me to make the most of every opportunity that’s provided for me. I’m not sure if this is making any sense, but it’s getting late.

I didn’t have time to do sketches, but I figured I should still post some pictures up. I keep a pocket-sized sketchbook with me for jotting down quick ideas. Anyways, I posted a couple pages below. Sorry if the pictures are blurry, but I’m too lazy to take them again.

P.S. Happy birthday Sung Hon and happy belated birthday Maurice!


Sketch Session No.5

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Today I tried to work completely paperless. The first sketch was off a 4×6 Wacom Graphire tablet. I dunno, I’m not pleased with the results. I got pretty antsy after drawing for an hour and I needed something a little more… um… sophisticated? The second drawing was done with a Wacom Cintiq. Felt a little better, but I’m still not satisfied. Hopefully, the results will get better the more I practice.