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In the mood

Listening to some Harry James, Bing, Sinatra, and the like and got inspired to do a music piece.¬† It’s my first crack at a Hirschfeld impersonation,¬†and after doing this one, I have a greater appreciation for his¬†mastery of the line.¬† It’s not anyone in particular, just something that came out randomly, but it¬†looks way too Disney-esque for me.¬†¬† Anyhow, enjoy!

WAC No.2 Comments

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Alright, so I got this maybe a smidgen late, but it’s CLOSE ENOUGH. I’m going to take another rule liberty and blame it on IE. For some reason I can’t upload media to WordPress through Firefox, so I have to use IE. I would have gotten this in on time if IE had not took forever loading a BLANK PAGE!

Anyways, Kristina, I hope you’ll still accept this entry barring my latest excuses.

I reposted the picture with a couple changes. This was an idea I had stewing for a while. I would post these at 1200×1600, but the image is too big for WordPress. I haven’t heard many new suggestions from anyone, so keep ’em comin’!

Dogs and cats

Joe suggested raining dogs and cats.  I preferred hail instead.

Random sketches

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I have a couple ideas brewing in my head, but I didn’t want to let the cat out of the bag just yet. I’ll put them up later this weekend. In the meantime…

Sketch for Tuesday (or is it Wednesday?)

Trying to fight off a sore throat.¬† Doesn’t help that I keep staying up late procrastinating on my blog drawings.¬† I have a couple ideas that I’m throwing around with for this week’s art challenge.¬† Hopefully, I can plan it out a little better than last week’s.

Anyways, Barry suggested that I draw a “self-conscious sheep,” which I did… sorta… well,¬†it’s a sheep.¬† Where’s my meds?

Give, help, pray

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It’s sobering to realize that the number of people in this drawing does not come close to how many perished in the last few days. Please take the time to pray and donate to the trusted charity of your choice to aid those suffering in Burma, China, and Oklahoma.¬† Encourage others to do so as well.

“Blessed are those who mourn,
for they will be comforted.

– Jesus Christ, Matthew 5:4

UPDATE: The intention of this piece was not to highlight the casualties resulting from these disasters but rather to emphasize the collective coming together to aid in the crisis.  Please encourage others to contribute to the relief aid, and to continue their prayers that the supplies will reach those in need in time.

Weekly Art Challenge No.1 Comments

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Let the records show that I did press the “Publish” button right before the clock turned 12:00 AM. For some reason, WordPress didn’t publish the picture, but published the post. So the bet is still on!

Alright, nothing in the rules didn’t state that I have to have the explanation posted before midnight, just the picture. So if you’re wondering what it is, I got this idea from one of Jenny’s comments:

“Or, perhaps you could draw a sketch of a bubble girl, sadly needing to shield herself from the urban pollution she lives in. =\”

Thanks for the idea, Jenny!

I started this piece after getting home from church and basketball sometime around 5:00 Finding the idea and sketching the rough layouts took an hour and a half, nap took 15 minutes, linework took another two hours, ESPN and Youtube took almost an hour, and the coloring was a mad dash to the end (rough estimates, I’m not in mood for math). I can’t say I’m entirely happy with it as I wanted to get in a few more colors and details. I would’ve spent a little more time on the background to make it seem more like a sunrise if I wasn’t such a slacker. I have a better idea now on how to get these done quicker and better the next time around.

Anyways, I’m hungry, achy, and getting a sore throat. Time for bed…

UPDATE: Arggh… I can’t let this sky thing go.¬† I just tweaked the sky gradient a little bit to get the atmosphere I wanted. Alright, that’s it.

A small observation and some rule changes…

Some of you may notice on the bottom of my sidebar that I have¬†some Google ads.¬† I put those to track how many people visit this site and just in case anyone decided to click on them.¬† These ads are content-based, which means they change according to what’s on my website.¬† Yesterday, Andrew sent me this screenshot:

Anyways, you might be wondering why there isn’t a drawing up right now.¬† I talked with Kristina some more about the bet and we agreed that the drawings will be due Monday at midnight and that she would have to refrain from World of Warcraft until the end of the calendar year.¬† This allows me to actually have a life (whatever that is) and be able to enjoy myself on Saturday nights.¬†¬†Also, loser has to pay for the winner’s dinner at the Metropolitan.¬† The bet’s still on for this week, so I’ll be sure to get it done tomorrow evening.¬† The creative juices aren’t flowing right now, so I’m going to call it a night.

“Chariot Fighter!”

Yesterday, I received this email from Emily:

“Because I’m bored at work and making nametag s for coworkers based on what their name means :) Your name also means “champion”, but I thought it’d be more fun to draw a chariot :)”

I like the drawing, but since my name means “champion,” shouldn’t I have a picture of myself with my flexed biceps popping out of my armor (this is accurate!) while holding a humungo trophy standing atop the heads of my enemies? (Sounds like another idea!) Anyways, I think the chariot’s cute, but it should read “fighter in a chariot.”

“Chariot – fighter” seems more like…

By the way, I have one more day to work on the weekly assignment with Kris.¬† I tried to pitch some of the week’s earlier drawings, but she wasn’t biting.¬† The drawing should be up by midnight tomorrow.